- 請問這些應該如何翻譯
Zipper 鞋釦 : 附蕾絲之隱藏式全長拉鍊 Full-length inner Zipper 隱藏式全長拉鍊 Black Patent, 黑色光面皮革 ( patent 是皮革的一種,具有非常光亮之表面,常用作皮鞋或手提袋
'' - Nokia escalates patent war by suing Apple in European Courts ...
This page describes the process used by IHE domain committees and their secretaries to ensure adherence to IHE's patent disclosure policy. ...
'' - broad patent是啥意思?請告訴我!
程度到底有多少,也可以藉此推測他們是否能拿到一個範圍較廣的專利。 「broad patent」指的是「範圍廣的專利」,也難怪你會問這個問題,因為這已經牽涉到專利
'' - patent and copyring
I just read this today. Copyright: ownership of your work, such as books, art, design. Patent: ownership of your invention, idea, process, etc.
'' - Patent Grabber無法安裝,因為DEP
我的電腦是用VISTA,用光碟安裝Patent Grabber程式時,跑到一半就自己中斷,然後顯示DEP的說明圖,但因為程式還未安裝你可以重灌一次VISTA, 或許可以解決你的問題, 我通常這樣的時候, 都是先把記憶體裡的資料先存到隨身碟裡, (因為重
'' - 什麼是patent counsel?
在購買MPEG-2的patent分析中,我看到下面的文章 for each patent in the portfolioMPEG-2 video standard or system standard that is blocked by the patent. 我不了解 這裡面patent counsel 的定義。在這份文件夾中裡面的每一個專利, 都可以由專利的法律顧問對於
'' - 什麼是專利 (Patent)?
什麼是專利 (Patent)? 什麼是專利 (Patent)? 什麼是專利 (Patent)?標的: 1.利用自然法則之技術思想之高度創作<發明專利> 2.凡對物品形狀、構造或裝置之創作或改良<新型專利> 3.對物品之形狀、花紋、色彩或其結合,透過視
'' - USPTO To Open First Satellite Patent Office In Detroit (First-Ever ...
The United States Patent Office has announced it will open satellite ... The ability to do patent business at an office in Detroit will be a ...
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Patent betting, Vip slots, 21 blackjack torrent, Game twist poker, Virtual poker training, Bias roulette, Crazy mike poker, Poker skin, ...
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